Expertpath Consulting congratulates saline water Conversion Corporation winning two international awards in Organizational Excellence

July 28, 2022

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the expertpath consulting company  Dr. Hussein Qurashi congratulated the Governor of saline water conversion corporation His Excellency Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Ibrahim and senior officials of the corporation, on the occasion of winning two international awards in organizational excellence, where the General Establishment for SWCC got the best saline water conversion corporation in the world match the many development tools that the organization adopted in the management of its business and operational tools, and the award for best water desalination in Ras Al-Khair, peer-modern and the world’s leading technology and operational levels unprecedented in the efficiency of desalination station design. Where dr.Qurashi praised obtaining these awards on the organization of the corporation wishing further progress and prosperity at the hands of the loyal sons of the homeland.

 It is worth mentioning that we are expert path consulting company proud to be one of national consulting companies that are related to a consulting relationship with the saline water conversion corporation

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